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Leap Year!

Well folks - tomorrow is the day: February 29th! 2012 is a Leap Year!

Now, if you thought, as I did prior to my little online search, that a Leap Year falls every fourth year, you'd be mistaken.


Yep. Almost right, but still mistaken.

You see, the Earth does a complete orbit around the sun in slightly less than 365.25 days - 365.24-something or-other to be {somewhat} exact. So, we have a leap year in every year that is divisible by 4, with the exception of those years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400. This prevents the calendar from going out of whack by 3 days every 400 years. 2000 was a leap year - the next centennial leap year will be 2400.

And if you thought that old calendar-changing Pope Gregory was responsible for this whole Leap Year idea, well, you'd be off on that account too! He did come up with the formula above; however, Leap Years were part of the ancient Roman calendar: every second year had a a 22 or 23 day month to ensure festivals/harvest were streamlined year after year... That is, until Julius Caesar's astronomer recommended adding a 29th day to Februarius every fourth year (and so it was from 45 BC until Gregory stepped in with his little 400 thingie in 1582).

Not that the concept of a leap year is original to the Roman or Gregorian calendars: both the Chinese and the Hebrew calendars also recognise that time doesn't quite align with nature. The Chinese calendar incorporates a leap year with an entire extra month to ensure that the winter solstice always ends up in the 11 month of the calendar. As for the Hebrew calendar, it adds Adar Bet seven times every nineteen years (specifically, in years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19) to ensure Passover is always celebrated in the Spring.

Now, a couple more interesting tidbits:
  • Folks born on February 29th are called "leaplings" or "leapers". It was once believed that leapers would become sickly children and be difficult to raise! 
  • Legally, a person born on February 29th will reach maturity on February 28th of their 18th year (for voting purposes, drinking privileges, and other important stuff :-)
  • It was once thought that Leap Years threw nature out of balance (go figure!) .... peas and beans were believed to "grow the wrong way" if planted in a Leap Year, and the Scots had a saying: "Leap year was never a good sheep year."
  • In Ireland, ancient custom held ladies could propose marriage to men only on February 29th. If she wore a red petticoat, a gentleman would say yes, if not, he would owe her a silk gown and a kiss. 
  • St. Bridget is said to have proposed marriage to St. Patrick on February 29th. He turned her down. 

And so, I got to thinking, as I sometimes do about how one could possibly add a bit of oomph to a Leap Day Dinner with the Fam.... here's what I came up with:
  • Have a four-ingredient only supper
  • What would the kids think about being born on a Leap Year? It will make an interesting dinner conversation ;-)
  • Play Addition Go Fish, but incorporate the numbers 2, 4 or 9 in every equation (i.e.: Do you have a 5+2? {7} - No? Go Fish! ... Do you have a 4 +4? etc.)
  • Have a scavenger hunt for 29 items in your home. 
  • See if you can walk/jog around the neighbourhood 2 times in less than 29 minutes (4 times if your block is small!)
  • Play leap frog! (ob-vi-ous, right?)
  • LOVE this idea from Kids Activities (I'm not the only one with leap years on the brain, apparently!)Make a Leap Year Time Capsule - for those with no patience to wait the usual 10-25+ years! Jot down some notes to each other or record your interests/likes/dislikes and check in on it next Leap Year. You could even keep it going, adding to the same time capsule (and labeling it!) every 4 years! It would be a great treasure in years to come:-)

Have a fun one :-)

For more information on Leap Year, visit my sources:  About.comWikipedia, Yahoo Answers

PS - EDIT: Just found these ideas online too: click here.


A Literary Loss: Jan Berenstain

On Friday, the literary world lost one of the twentieth century's best-loved children's authors: sadly,  Jan Berenstain, co-creator of the Berenstain Bears with her husband Stan, died on February 24th at the age of 88 (story here)

We grew up on the Berenstain Bears....  The Spooky Old Tree creeped me out as a child, yet I couldn't put it down - oh! the delicious, electrifying, terrifying excitement! And that silly Papa Bear, he couldn't get a thing right in The Bike Lesson... or in The Bears' Picnic... or in The Bears' Vacation.... in fact, did he ever do anything right?? 

Inside, Outside, Upside Down was one of the first books I read to my boys. I remember sitting each of them on my lap as I turned the pages and read it aloud - they loved the rhythm of the story. In fact, Berenstain Bears books are as much a go-to favorite for my children as they were for me & my brother when we were kids. In addition to my favourites listed above, my boys also like The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone - that sneaky ol' pup!

I would be shocked - shocked - to hear of anyone who is unaware of the Berenstain Bears books. If, however, there are a few of you, then head over here ( and browse their titles. Your children will love the humour,  and many of the titles are the perfect "first books" for children whilst learning to read: the short sentences, rhyming words, and self-explaining illustrations will boost kids' abilities and confidence in no time :-) Plus, as the series grew in popularity, the Berenstains used their books as a medium to help children cope with first-day-of-school-jitters, bullying, fighting, responsibility and a slew of other topics - a resource to keep in mind if you ever find yourself in need!


Thank you Mrs. Berenstain  for the wonderful Bear family you created with your husband, and for all you have given to me and my family through them! Thank you for the memories and the laughs. And Rest in Peace. 


Marvelous Monday - Despicable Minion

Toad wanted a minion...

Hmmm....Perhaps he has an evil plan to take over the world?

I know, right? That crossed my mind too. I wouldn't put it past him to be honest. But, on the off chance that it is just a child's wish, I did make him one:

What do you think? A suitable aide for world domination?

Surely you recognize him from Despicable Me? (Cute movie!) I found the pattern here - enjoy!

Have a marvelous week!



Sunday Snippets

Tidbits of information I picked up this week:

  • Need another incentive to move your caboose? Women weigh, on average, 24 lbs more than they did 50 yrs ago, and standard seat belt sizes have increased by 20"! (Dr. Oz show,
  • Do you get the heebie-geebies from the handle bar on the cart at the grocery store? Me too. Which is why this totally freaked me out: regular old household doorknobs contain twice as much colony forming bacteria than the cart handles! (4cfu/inch compared to 2 cfu /inch). Your toilet and kitchen faucet are also germier than you'll care to admit. (Today's Parent, March 2012)
  • If martini's are your go-to drink, Rejoice! Here are some other uses for that vodka you've been hoarding: it can lift odors from clothes (spritz it on, the alcohol will evaporate and it won't leave a scent); combine with green tea  (1/4 tsp to 1 c. green tea) for a facial astringent; it will nix mold and mildew if used as a cleaning agent in the bathroom and kitchen and if substituted for the water in pastry (1 tbsp vodka to every tsp of water) it will result in a flakier crust! (Health magazine, Jan/Feb 2012)


What To Do This Weekend - Celebrate an Anniversary & Multiculturalism!

Hello Lads and Lassies! We have a lot on the go this week, so today's post is going to be short & sweet & to the point ;-). Here's what's up this weekend:

  • Friday night, take the kids to the Build-a-Brick Club at Admiralty House in Mt. Pearl. there are two time slots - best to call in advance to register as these are becoming quite popular! Email: 
  • Saturday is a crafty kind of day: there is a Handmade Craft Fair at Hotel Mt. Pearl from 10-4 featuring local crafters and that night, from 5-8 PM Gonzaga is hosting a Multicultural Fair in aid of those suffering due to the drought in the Horn of Africa. See calendar for complete details on each of these events!
  • On Sunday, there is plenty of fun to be had! Start your AM at Hava Java at the St. John's Kid play date (9AM-12PM; click here for details); that afternoon, head over to The Little Gym's Open House to celebrate their 5 yr anniversary from 2-4 PM. You'll have a bit of free time between these events - perfect to take in a Kid's Club at the Fluvarium (theme: Life on Ice; children discover how all that ice and snow actually helps to keep animals warm and safe in winter) or the Family Fun program at The Rooms (theme: Shadow Puppets - children will learn the tradition of puppet and then make and animate their own cut-out creatures).

For details on events in & around town, check my events calendar regularly - it is on the bottom of EVERY page :-) The Tely Go Guide published in Arts & Life section every Thursday is also a good source. 

If you have something to add to the Calendar, please let me know! Complete details can be found here and I welcome being added to any "Events Distribution list" your facility might have :-)


Recalls - Pizza Playset and Fishing Game both manufactured by Ningbo Ftz Zhengbao International Trading Co., Ltd

The following recall notice is from HSW:

Health Canada is advising consumers to immediately discard the Pizza Playset and Fishing Game, two toys manufactured by Ningbo Ftz Zhengbao International Trading Co., Ltd in China. Health Canada’s sampling and evaluation program has revealed that these toys contain lead in excess of the allowable limit. Children can ingest harmful amounts of lead when they chew, suck or swallow items that contain it.

See Product Details tab for specifics on the affected items.

Lead is toxic if ingested by young children and can cause adverse health effects. See Hazard Details tab for more information.

Corrective Action:Check to see if you have one of the products and ensure that they are not available to children. If you have this toy in your possession, immediately discard in your regular household garbage.

Tomorrow is Pancake Tuesday!

I can't wait for Pancake Tuesday tomorrow... a.k.a. Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras!!!!

...Neither can the kids. I'm not sure if it is:

a) the having pancakes for supper, or
b) the money and such in the pancakes or
c) the glitz and glam excitement created by the news reports of parades in Rio de Janero, but...

...they are going off their rockers! Especially Toad, he has been counting down since wa-a-a-ay before Valentine's Day!

Yes, yes I have created little monsters ;-)

Last year around this time, I posted these fantastic Maple Bacon Pancakes (I think they're on the roster again for tomorrow night - so yummy. Adding more bacon this year though ;-), plus you'll find some links in that post to a slew of other pancake recipes if maple bacon ones don't float your boat (why they wouldn't is beyond me, but hey, to each their own, right?).

Remember, though: Don't forget the money, honey!

Also from last year.... check out this post on the history, legends and lore associated with Pancake Tuesday - I have to go figure out how to bling out the table for this year's fete. Fun!


Oh yeah, I'm talking about THESE pancakes, People!!!
SOURCE:'s pancake slideshow!


What To Do This Weekend - Pancakes, Wilderness Survival and Felting!

Well, folks, the weekend is almost upon us! I'm sitting here right now, having a look at this weekend's events in the city and surrounding area to see what we might be up to. Here's a couple of possibilities:

  • Winterfest continues (Sunday is the last day): The whole family will lo-ove the Annual Pancake Breakfast at the Conception Bay South Recreation Complex on Saturday morning (8-10AM). Check the calendar for complete listings.
  • Yay - Something for older kids!Your 12-16 yr old may be interested in Youth Learn To……Wilderness Survival by the City of St. Johns, Saturday 9-4. For more information, please contact the Outdoor & Youth Services Coordinator, 576-8500, or e-mail
  • Snow Daze also clues up this weekend (see the calendar for a link to all events); check out their Kilbride Family Fun Day at the Kilbride Lions Community Centre from 1-3 PM on Sunday. 
  • Fluvarium and The Rooms Kids Programs continue: The theme for the Kids Club at the Fluvarium this month is Life on Ice (Sat. & Sun at 1:30-PM); the theme for this week's Family Fun at the Rooms is Fuzzy Felting (Sun. 2-4PM), where children will be dry-felting a fibre creature from natural sheep’s wool! 
  • This Sunday, the creator of the St. John's Kid blog is starting a new initiative: she is hosting a toddler and pre-schooler playdate at Hava Java! Pop in Sunday AM between 9-11AM, grab yourself a coffee and have a chat with some other local moms, while your child meets a new friend or two! Full details on her blog here.
  • I also want to mention a few new "regularly scheduled" additions to the calendar: see the Family & Childcare Connections drop-in playgroups every Tuesday and Thursday, and the Build-a-Brick workshops on Fridays (2 time slots). Both are worth checking out!

Have a good one!

For details on events in & around town, check my events calendar regularly - it is on the bottom of EVERY page :-) The Tely Go Guide published in Arts & Life section every Thursday is also a good source. 

If you have something to add to the Calendar, please let me know! Complete details can be found here and I welcome being added to any "Events Distribution list" your facility might have :-)


Recall - Magnetic Link Train with Numbers

The following recall notice is from HSW:

Health Canada reports of a recall involving Magnetic Link Train with Numbers. Small parts of this toy may separate; these small components pose a choking hazard to young children.

See Product Details tab for specifics on the affected item.

Recalled toys were sold in Canada from July 2011 to February 2012.

Corrective Action:Consumers should immediately take the recalled toy away from children and dispose of it in regular household garbage.

For more information, consumers may contact Lucky Import and Wholesale at 1-416-251-1234.

The Return of the Corny Valentine

Well, today, for the first time in a long time, I sat down in my craft room, with all my stamping gear in front of me, and yes, I made cards!

I made some valentines for my peeps... here they are:

See? The top one is a penguin, and inside it says: "You're so COOL!" (LOL!),  and the bottom one is an owl, and inside it says: "You're a HOOT!". Get it?!

Oh man, I crack myself up!!

...At least someone is laughing....

I know, I know....

Hey!  I can hear you groaning... CORNY .....

(If you did not expect corny humour, please refer to the title of this post.)

Ohhhh.... you wanted sappy stuff? OK, I'll give ya sappy stuff: 

This is the one I made for my DH - it was inspired by a saying I saw on pinterest that linked here: Too many hearts would still be too few to tell you how much I love you ....

...Or something like that... that is what I wrote on it anyways ;-)

Happy Valentines Day!



Astonishing and Strange V-Day Traditions

Click here to view


This beautiful info graphic of astonishing, and strange Valentines Day traditions was sent to me by the folks over at frugaldad. It is so amazing, I just had to share!

I LOVE it - I want to put it on the wall! If you are a teacher, I think it would be really cool to do just that: print it off (somehow) on a big poster sized piece of paper, hang on the wall and then create a Valentine's trivia worksheet that encourages children to read through the lines and find the answers in the poster. It could even be one of those filler activities for children to keep busy at when their assigned work is done..just a thought ;-)

For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Visit Frugaldad to see the full sized (and readable!) graphic here. 

Happy, Happy, Happy 
Valentine's Day! 

Sorry folks for only providing the link to the graphic - I had hoped to provide the entire thing here, but unfortunately, the format didn't work with the blogger settings!  Oh well! But make sure to click on it... very fun! And you'll amaze your kids with all the quirky facts at tonight's dinner table ;-)

For another fun infographic from Frugal Dad, visit their site for today's post on the meaning of flowers!


Sunday Snippets

Tidbits of information I picked up this week:

  • If your kids don't like their veggies, just make a point to smile when you hand them their supper plate and while you eat your portion. According to research, when children receive food from a grinning person, they wanted it more, and it made them more receptive to foods they "hate". (Good Housekeeping, February 2012)
  • Maple syrup lovers rejoice: it has fewer calories than honey or corn syrup and is a source of magnesium and riboflavin... so indulge yourself on Pancake Tuesday, Feb 21st! (Canadian Living, March 2012)
  • My grandma always said to eat bananas whenever you were feeling off: they would help both constipation and diarrhea, and would not upset a sensitive tummy after a bout of the stomach flu. Now, British studies have shown another advantage to this miracle food: eating bananas daily helps to lessen asthma symptoms in children! All this and a healthy dose of fibre and heart-healthy potassium too. Eat up! (Redbook, January 2012)


New Blog: Dinner Dads

There is another new blog on the block that I think you'll like: Dinner Dads! According to the "about", it was inspired by Suppermoms (another great resource). I don't know about you, but when it comes to meal planning and cooking, I can use ALL the help I can get ;-)

Have a look: I'll also add them to the side bar for added convenience.


Valentine's Round Up!

So, I was at Walmart last night, and holy smokes, what a crowd in the Valentine's section!!! It got me all in a tizzy, it did, worried I wouldn't have something for my peeps. Thankfully, after three times around the aisles, I did find the stuffy Toad had spied on a previous visit, and a novel for Mario. Whew! 

Over the last few days though, I have been browsing my favourite sites for Valentines and V-day ideas. And, instead of re-inventing the wheel, I thought I would share them with you. Here are some great links to printable valentines and other fun ideas:

Positively Splendid recently posted 12 Unique Valentines You Can Make... and they are all so cute! Here are just a couple; visit her here for her complete collection.

source: Dandee via Positively Splendid
These will be a hit with the girls for sure!

source: Thrifty Handmade Days via Positively Splendid
For any boy with a passion for dinkies, racing and/or cars!

I found these next two ideas courtesy of  Pass the Cereal:

source: nellie design
If your child likes to give a small treat with her valentines, this is a wonderful idea: simply pick up some  small bouncy balls at the dollar store, then print out these "you make my heart bounce" tags from Nellie Design!

source: design mom
Fortune Tellers never seem to go out of style. I think the collection here at the house rivals the one I had growing up! Check out Design Mom for a printable V-day version.... and instruction on how to fold them, just in case you forgot!
What kid ... *person* doesn't like Star Wars? Visit to download these cute printable valentines!
Perhaps you were looking to come up with your own unique valentine creation for your kids or the class? Visit this post on and use their collection of saying to create your own valentine, or avail of their great suggestions:

source: wickedlocal

This idea from Better Homes and Gardens is uber-sweet and you can customize it with one of the saying from the site above, or your own terms of endearment! I think I will do a variation of it as cards for my kids this year:

Last but not least.... this may be my favourite idea of all.....

source: papervinez
Now, how cool is that?? Visit Papervinez for a tutorial on how to make these peppermint and white chocolate valentine pops from your left over candy canes (ummmm.... can you say "genius"??). 



What To Do This Weekend - Just About Anything your Heart Desires!

Well. folks, there is no shortage of winter fun to be had this weekend in St. John's and surrounding areas....this is the weekend that three festivals collide!

The Mount Pearl Frosty Festival, which started back on February 2nd, is still going strong, with their Frosty Movie night (MUPPETS movie!) on Friday night at the Kenmount Recreation Centre; followed by the Frosty Family Fun Day on Saturday at the playground behind Mount Pearl Intermediate School. There are many other events on the go over the next few days before the closing ceremionies on Sunday afternoon, so be sure to click here as you plan your weekend!

CBS Winterfest is in full swing, too! Some of their planned events for this weekend include a Children’s Dress-Up Story Time on Saturday at the CBS Library (children come dressed in their favorite costume) and a Teddy Bear Bonanza with Terry Rielly and Sonya Abbott on Sunday at the Royal Canadian Legion. For complete details on these and other events, visit their site here.

So what is festival number three you ask? Well, today marks the kick off of St. John's' Snow Daze, which continues until the 19th. Join the festivities Friday night with the Night time Snowshoe Adventures through Pippy Park, and again on Sunday for the youth talent show "So you Think You’ve Got Talent” at Holy Heart of Mary Auditorium. For a complete listing of all events, click here.

Now, that is already a pretty full weekend, if I do say so myself! However, there are a few more events worth mention:
  • Join the staff at the Michael Donovan Library tomorrow afternoon for a Valentine's Storytime
  • The Build a Brick Club begins this Friday at Admiralty House Museum.
  • There is a Polymer Clay Teddy Bear class on Saturday at Clay Cafe.
  • Support the SPCA by picking up a book or two at their “Paws and Read” Book Sale on Saturday at the Freemason's Hall, Mt.Pearl.
  • Saturday also brings Cake Walk (like musical chairs but with cake prizes) at Eastern Edge Gallery.
  • On Sunday, there is a Valentine Craft Fair at Hotel Mt. Pearl (postponed from last weekend).
  • The theme for this week's Family Fun at The Rooms is Happy Valentine’s Day - children will make a handmade card and top off the day with a ‘hearty hat’ that wiggles when they move.
  • Don't forget the Kid's Club at the Fluvarium. This month's theme is Life on Ice

Have a good one!

For details on events in & around town, check my events calendar regularly - it is on the bottom of EVERY page :-) The Tely Go Guide published in Arts & Life section every Thursday is also a good source. 

If you have something to add to the Calendar, please let me know! Complete details can be found here and I welcome being added to any "Events Distribution list" your facility might have :-)


What We're Up To: Math Games from Guided Math

OR: Math no longer results in tears, and a mother's sanity is saved.... hallelujah!

My Gosh! It has just been one cold/flu after another in our household for the last several weeks! In fact, Mario has missed so much school in the last month that I have been doing some math games with him at home, so that he isn't too, too far behind....

That wasn't the original plan though - the plan was to do the math assignments he was missing, him being home from school and all. And, he is usually pretty good with addition and multiplication, but here lately every time we try to get at it, he freezes up, and we get no where.

So, a few nights ago, I went poking around on the Internet and found some games (what did parents do before the World-wide-web, anyways?) on this site.

Now, Mario is currently studying multiplication for the first time, so the following games were pertinent and are the ones we have been playing the last couple of days:

  • Multiplication Go Fish - Same as regular Go Fish, however in this version, players ask if another player has a certain number, not by calling out the number, but by forming a multiplication question (i.e.: do you have any 2 X 5's?). Mario thought this game was hilarious... we played 4 rounds in a row, and even introduced some division (do you have any 20/2's?). See the entire explanation here
  • Coverall - This is a dice and grid game. Players have a grid to fill in and determine the number of blocks to colour by rolling 2 dice and then multiplying them together (i.e.: die 1 = 3; die 2 = 4, therefore colour in 3 x 4 = 12 blocks). The first player to fill in all squares wins. Complete explanation and download-able grid here. This is a longer game, we only played once. 

What I like about both these games is how fun and adaptable they were - either could be played based on addition instead (or division/subtraction ;-). I will definitely keep them in the "game rotation" we have going on.... they are bit more challenging than Trouble (the gods know I need a break from that ;-) and learning disguised as fun makes me happy!

... And, oh.... did I mention that questions pertaining to 3 X 3 and 5 X 2 NO LONGER result in tears? (Thank gawd! ;-)

Check out the site  for tons more imaginative math fun! 



    Sunday Snippets

    Tidbits of information  I picked up this week:

    • The odds a child will be nearsighted drop 2% for every hour the child spends outside each week! It is suspected that exposure to natural light and looking at distant objects help protect vision (Best Health, January/February 2012)
    • The world's population reached 7 billion in October 2011. To estimate "your number" based on your birth date, visit the BBC here. (I was the 3,978,228,938th person alive on Earth when I was born and the 78,286,401,601st person to have lived since history began, apparently.) (Best Health, Jan/Feb 2012)
    • Having dairy products at least once a day is linked to better memory, reasoning and organisational skills! So have that ice cream... or at least some low fat frozen yogurt ;-) (Fitness, January 2012)


    Recall - Safety 1st Push 'n Snap Cabinet Lock & Dollarama Baby Bibs

    The following recall notices are from HSW:

    Health Canada reports of a recall involving Baby Bibs distributed by Dollarama. The bibs' lining contains a phthalate, specifically DEHP (Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate), which exceeds the allowable limit. Phthalates, including DEHP, may cause reproductive and developmental abnormalities in young children when soft vinyl products containing phthalates are sucked or chewed for extended periods.

    See Product Details tab for specifics on the affected items.

    Over 100,000 recalled bibs were sold in Canada from July 2011 to January 2012.

    Corrective Action:Consumers should immediately take the recalled bibs away from children and dispose of them.

    For more information, consumers may contact Dollarama by telephone at 1-888-755-1006 or by e-mail.

    Health Canada reports of a recall involving Safety 1st Push 'n Snap Cabinet Lock. The cabinet locks can open easily when cabinet doors are pulled upon. As a result, cabinets that are expected to remain closed when these locks are used may be opened by young children posing an accessibility risk of the cabinet contents to these individuals.

    See Product Details tab for specifics on the affected items, including additional photos.

    Dorel Distribution Canada has received 45 reports of incidents related to this hazard, with one reported case of a child swallowing a cleaning fluid.

    Over 150,00 of the recalled locks were sold in Canada from July 2008 to February 2012.

    Corrective Action:Consumers should immediately stop using the affected cabinet lock and visit Dorel Distribution Canada's website to complete an online order form to obtain a free replacement lock.

    Consumers may also call the Consumer Relations toll-free number 1-866-762-3212 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Consumers should not return product to retail stores.

    Recall - Splat Shot - Marvel Spider Sense Spiderman, Splat Ball - Marvel Spider Sense Spiderman, Splat Shot Disc - Marvel Spider Sense Spiderman by Tech4Kids Inc

    The following recall notice is from HSW:

    Health Canada reports of a recall involving Splat Shot - Marvel Spider Sense Spiderman, Splat Ball - Marvel Spider Sense Spiderman, Splat Shot Disc - Marvel Spider Sense Spiderman by Tech4Kids Inc. (Globe Dragon Technology Development Ltd.) Recalled toy contains the toxic substance, bronopol. The amount of bronopol in the product may be at a level that is considered to be toxic and is strictly prohibited in Canada if the substance can be released from the toy on breakage. The Spider Sense Splat Shot liquid-filled balls have demonstrated the potential to burst and therefore can be accessible causing irritation and inflammation to the skin and eyes.

    See Product Details tab for specifics on the affected items, including additional photos.

    Several incidents have been reported, including one in a child causing irritation and inflammation to the face and eyes.

    Recalled products were sold in Canada from November 2010 to January 2012.

    Corrective Action:Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled toy and return it to the retailer where it was purchased for a refund. If you believe that your child may have been exposed to the contents of the product, contact your family physician.

    For more information, consumers may contact Tech4Kids Inc. at 1-800-359-6088 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except holidays), visit their website or email Tech4Kids Inc. at

    Recall - Bumbleride Indie & Bumbleride Indie Twin strollers

    The following recall notice is from HSW:

    Health Canada and the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (US CPSC) report of a recall involving Bumbleride Indie & Bumbleride Indie Twin strollers. The front wheel can break potentially causing the stroller to become unstable and flip over.

    See Product Details tab for specifics on the affected items (including additional photos).

    There have been 41 incidents in Canada and United States of the front wheel cracking, including two reports of the stroller tipping over resulting in minor injuries.

    Recalled strollers were sold in Canada from January 2009 to January 2012.

    Corrective Action: Consumers should immediately stop using the stroller and contact Bumbleride Inc. to obtain a free repair kit.

    For more information, consumers may contact Bumbleride by phone at 1-800-530-3930 or by visiting the firm's website at,


    Woot! Wiarton Willie Predicts an Early Spring

    Now, don't get me wrong... I LOVE some good ol' winter fun. But it does have its time and place, and it is nice to know that (according to CTV) Ontario's Groundhog, Mr. Wiarton Willie, has predicted we will, indeed, see Spring BEFORE Easter! Yea!

    Now, before we all get too excited (or upset?), I suppose I should mention that in the US, Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil is calling for the opposite.... oh well, at least there is something for everyone to look forward to :-). 

    For some trivia on Groundhog Day and Candlemas (Feb 2nd is Candlemas in the Christian calendar; Groundhog Day is a North American thing...), click here to see last year's post. 

    But what about making today special? I don't know about you, but I think a few candle-lit games of shadow puppets are in order tonight :-)

    What To Do This Weekend - Kick off a Frosty Festival and Join in a Winterfest!

    So, I've been laying low the last few days....flu's and storms will do that to ya. Did ya notice??

    No....? What do you mean you have your own life????

    Oh well.... well I am back now, and just in time to bug you with what we may be up to this weekend... weather permitting ;-)
    • First of all, today is the first day of Mount Pearl's 30th Annual Frosty Festival! Over the next 11 days, there will be several family-friendly events in that City, including an Extravaganza tonight at the Glacier, a free Family Swim tomorrow night at 7:05 at the Mt. Pearl Pool and a Frosty & Friends Breakfast at 9:00 AM Saturday at the Reid Community Centre. Also on Saturday, there is a Mario Kart Wii tournament for 7-14 yr olds, Frosty's 30th Birthday Party and Geocatching and Sliding events. Sunday brings more swimming, some skating, a Family Fun Day at MAX and The-Event-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named for ages 13-18 for muggles who dare enter the Reid Centre. For complete schedule and details of events, check out their site here. You'll find some winter fun for everyone!!!
    • This weekend also brings CBS' Winterfest, which runs from Saturday the 4th until February 19th. Join them for their Squash, Badminton and Hockey tournaments on Saturday, or head out to the Robert French Stadium on Sunday afternoon for a free family skate. Their schedule of events can be found here.
    • I've been meaning to mention a new program to the City: The Build-A-Brick Club for children ages 7+, where children get to use their creative abilities with Lego bricks. They are at the Admiralty Museum in Mount Pearl  4:30pm-6pm  or  7pm-8:30pm on Fridays (starting February 10th but I don't want to forget again!), and they do have a drop in rate! Keep it in mind if you are looking for a fun event for the kids any Friday night (Details on their site here). FYI: They are also offering birthday parties and I will be updating Birthday Party Central to include their information. 
    • Saturday also brings a Valentine Craft Fair at the Hotel Mount Pearl 10AM-4PM- pop in and buy some local treats for Valentines Day!
    • On Sunday, The theme for The Rooms Family Fun program 2-4 PM is Snow Goggles. Children will make their own pair of Inuit snow goggles and learn about some of the amazing technologies the Inuit developed to thrive in the harsh Arctic environment. 
    • Last but not least, the start of a new month brings a new theme to the Fluvarium's Kids Club. The theme for February is: Life on Ice. Children will learn how life around the Fluvarium changes in the icy winters, and discover how ice and snow actually helps to keep animals warm and safe in winter. Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30pm. 

    Have a good one!

    For details on events in & around town, check my events calendar regularly - it is on the bottom of EVERY page :-) The Tely Go Guide published in Arts & Life section every Thursday is also a good source. 

    If you have something to add to the Calendar, please let me know! Complete details can be found here and I welcome being added to any "Events Distribution list" your facility might have :-)