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Thesis on Early Childhood Memory in Women - Do You Want To Participate?

I was sent the following from a Master's student at MUN, Katie. She is looking for subjects for a study on early childhood memory in women. If that is you, or if you know of anybody who may be interested, please contact her at for the complete details and consent form.

Hi there!

My name is Katie Brandeau, I was put onto your site by my supervisor, Dr. Carole Peterson. I'm a Masters student doing my degree in developmental psychology and my thesis on early childhood memory in women and was wondering if it would be possible for you to do me a favour?

For my thesis, I need to interview moms in three different categories:

- Pregnant for the first time
- Not pregnant and have a 2-5 year old child
- Pregnant and also have a 2-5 year old child

The interview lasts about half an hour over the phone and in the end all of the participants are entered into a draw for a $100 gift card.

So, I come to the favour. I was wondering if there was any way for you to advertise this on your blog some way? I can't really think of a better way to reach the moms in St. John's. I've attached a longer information sheet/consent form for your information.

Thanks for you consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon!

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