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Take Care

I just read a headline in a newsletter that said: Taking Care of You is Your Gift. This is so true, and yet, for many of us it is one of the hardest things to do.  As Mom's, our "work is never done", there is always something to do, to tidy, to clean, someone to care for, something to prepare, etc. We get caught up in the "musts" and "shoulds" and deny ourselves the space & time we need to settle our minds. Yet, taking this time would better enable us to face the very tasks we are trying to accomplish....

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed the past few days - Christmas shopping, parent-teacher interviews, making Christmas gifts & cards, my husband has been sick in bed with fevers up to 102 since Friday, last week DS#1 was sick with bronchitis and the week before DS #2 was home with a temp of 103.7! As you can likely imagine, I've been feeling frantic and run down....yet I am pushing myself to go-go-go and get everything done.

Seeing this headline this AM made me realize I need some time to chill, where I am not focusing on anything except relaxing my mind... scheduling it in will be hard, but I am hereby making an oath to myself that after the days' appointments and errands are done, and BEFORE I tackle the chores or to-dos, I WILL do some yoga! I promise myself I will take one half hour for me!

Downward Dog, here I come!

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