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10 Quotes on Love & Life

For as long as I can remember, I have kept a notebook of quotes - I love to browse through it from time to time for insight or inspiration (or for a laugh, or to think, depending on which quote catches my interest). Here are some on love & life that may speak to you as well:
  1. “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
  2. “Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.” ~ Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor
  3. “Love is always bestowed as a gift―freely, willingly, and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love.” ~ L. F. Buscaglia 
  4. "Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward in the same direction." ~ Antoine de Saint - Exupery
  5. "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." ~Mother Teresa
  6. "We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." ~ Frederick Koenig
  7. "A hug is the perfect gift; one size fits all, and nobody minds if you exchange it." ~A.J. Barrera
  8. "Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man, it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow." ~ Edward Sandford Martin
  9. "What the heart gives away is never gone... it is kept in the hearts of others." ~ Robin St. John
  10. "Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." ~ Hans Christian Andersen
Tomorrow, I have another "Your Stuff" recipe to share :-) See you then!

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