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Small Changes Challenge - 3/50

My challenge to myself this week was to ensure the dishwasher was put on before bed every night. Unfortunately, I have a dismal score - only 2/5. Now, I've been ill & in bed all week, however, I actually chose this task (as one that occurred late in the day) because of that, so I cannot use it as an excuse for my shortcomings! Oh well!

To boot, being sick has also meant my other two changes went to hell in a hand basket this week. I actually did try the marching one day - believe me it was a bad idea.

Soooo, next week's challenge will not only encompass unloading the dishwasher before breakfast is over (so dirty dishes can go right in as they accumulate throughout the day, instead of just from the afternoon on as happens now)... but I also hope to do the marching/make the bed everyday (I enjoyed both) and of course, for the unloading of the dishwasher first thing to work, it will have to be put on before bed without fail.

Here's to a healthier week and a better score next time!

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